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Hello Interpreters

We're Your Community

Hello Interpreters stands firmly in its commitment to the vital community of language professionals. Our platform isn’t just about resources; it’s a thriving hub where interpreters, translators, and language enthusiasts unite to deepen their skills and broaden their perspectives.

Our mission is clear: we empower language experts through continuous education, insightful discourse, and a network that spans the globe. The value of interpreters and translators extends far beyond simple linguistics; they are the essential link ensuring access to critical services and bridging cultural divides.

We believe in the transformative power of effective communication and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Our platform reflects this, offering more than just information—it’s a space for growth, collaboration, and the advancement of the entire language services field. These principles, deeply embedded in our foundation, guide us in creating a future where every language professional is recognized, supported, and connected. We’re your community.

Behind the Vision

Meet The Founder

Shawn Norris brings a unique blend of personal and professional expertise to the world of language services. As President of the Florida Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (FRID) and COO of AI Deaf, Shawn’s work is deeply informed by his own experiences. Growing up with Deaf parents, he developed an intimate understanding of the Deaf community’s needs, fueling his passion for advocacy and volunteerism.

With over fifteen years in the field, Shawn’s journey in interpreting has been marked by a commitment to mentorship and community engagement. He established a local agency in Jacksonville to offer ASL and Spanish interpreting services, significantly enhancing language accessibility in the area.

Shawn’s expertise is also recognized on larger stages. His roles as a Commissioner for the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI) and as a member of the SAFE-AI Task Force exemplify his dedication to elevating the interpreting profession and ensuring ethical practices in AI. His multifaceted life experiences, combined with his professional acumen, make him an ideal leader in creating an online community tailored for interpreters, translators, and language enthusiasts.

When Shawn steps away from the world of language services, you’ll find him spending quality time with his wife and two sons, chasing after his stubborn English bulldog, or rooting for his favorite football team.